Input elements

One of the main component of the web is Forms. It would be very hard to collect data without them. And to make a good form we must know the Basic Input Type in HTML.

In this article, we will talk about Input Types in HTML. HTML Forms are used to collect data from a user who visits your website with the help of Input tags. These Input tags improve the user experience and make the forms more interactive.

Commonly Used Input Types:

  • Button: Button is generally a push button, which is pushed to activate.

  • checkbox: The checkbox must be ticked to activate it.

  • color: Interface used to choose the color of our choice.

  • date: Interface used to choose a date.

  • Email: Interface used to accept e-mail addresses.

  • File: Interface used to upload files.

  • Image: Interface used to input an image.

  • Month: Interface used to input years and months. The format is “YYYY-MM”.

  • Number: Interface let the user enter a number.

  • Password: Interface defines a password field (characters are masked for security).

  • Radio: Collection of radio buttons inputting a set of options).

  • Range: Slide control interface with Default range is 0 to 100.

  • Reset: Interface used to resets the form to the default values.

  • Search: Interface for entering a search string.

  • Submit: Interface for submitting all form values to a form-handler.

  • Text: Interface to input single-line text field.